Toby Inn
Your Secretary writes with Britain firmly in the grip of the Beast, with snow on the ground and the thermometer resolutely 5° or more below 0° C (or 32° F, in old money … but, fear not, he is warm and cosy in front of his log fire and in the hope that, by the time you read this, it will be warm and sunny!
The weather, in fact, having been rather dreary of late meant that Fred and Betty did not have to work especially hard to persuade us, once more, to forgo the “Run”, thus cutting out the “middleman” so to speak, and 22 of us ended up at the Toby Inn in Edgworth who, once more, handsomely accommodated us for lunch on February 4th. Of course, being an MG Day, the weather was superb … Actually, so were the views of Winter Hill. Again Eric and David joined us and – at least for those who were not driving – the wine flowed.
I hope that we can report some proper motoring next month but, as that is only a few days away and as we are still in winter lock down, I’m far from optimistic.
Thanks to Fred and Betty for a convivial day together – surely what we are really about – and don’t forget to go to to learn more about the forthcoming Pendle Run.
Geoffrey Hammonds