Lesley Stewart RIP

Lesley  Stewart RIP.  All at our club were concerned when we heard that Lesley was having chemotherapy, but with her positive cheerful manner we felt she could win any battle, and were pleased that she could continue to join in some of our activities.

We all enjoyed her sense of humour and lively take on situations.  Lesley loved Arnside and had spent many holidays at that pretty village.  A few years ago we had a club trip there with her and Peter and remember sharing this pleasure with them.

With Peter, she frequently contributed greatly to our club and we were thrilled that only last month they both came to take part in the 29th Pendle Run.  Sadly, Lesley died at the end of July.  She will be missed by all of us and we send our condolences to Peter & the Family.


On a lovely sunny Sunday morning, eight cars and fifteen members met at The Old Sawmill Cafe in Clapham North Yorkshire for a cuppa before setting off on their monthly run.  The destination was Cinderbarrow picnic area and Miniature Railway, just north of Carnforth, and the route involved 25 scenic miles cross country, including an unclassified road which tested both cars and drivers.  On arrival at the Railway, members formed the traditional circle to repel invaders ably assisted by Richard and Angela’s “guard dog”, Henry.  Members enjoyed a packed lunch followed by a train ride pulled by a lovely 7 ¼ “ gauge steam engine.

Next came a stop at Pine Lake, just round the corner, for an ice cream and a view of the water sports.  Chairman Roger Sagar regaled us with tales of his water skiing exploits in his youth 50 yrs ago but declined to demonstrate his skills!!

By now it was 4pm and ominous black clouds were appearing, so it was decided to end the day before we all got soaked.  It had been so lovely to see everyone, especially Barbara and Mick who had missed the last few runs due to Mick’s back problem. Here’s to the next trip in August!


Get in touch

Opening hours

First Sunday Every Month: 10:00 am onwards


The Stone Trough Inn,
BB18 6XY


Geoffrey Hammonds, Secretary
01204 853158
Roger Sagar, Chairman
01200 425450
07974 847736
Neil Taylor, Treasurer
01282 454546
07535 738842

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