The Burnley and Pendle MG Owners Club was formed in the late 1980's for local owners of these classic English sports cars. We are a group of MG enthusiasts who meet regularly, our meetings are very informal and friendly.
We attend many events throughout the year, but we are best known for organising the annual Pendle Run, which attracts enthusiasts from all over the country. We are affiliated to the National MG Owners Club.
Meetings are held at The Old Stone Trough, Kelbrook, Lancashire BB18 6XY. See events and meetings for times and dates.
The monthly 'Run' is from The Old Stone Trough at 10am on the first Sunday of each month (please check our calendar of events for any amendments to this). If visiting please confirm with the Secretary, Geoffrey Hammonds on 01204 853158.
Written by Burnley and Pendle MG Owners Club on . Posted in Latest News, MG Owners Club Events
On a chilly, though sunny, Sunday in January and just as the snow was starting to thaw, Mick and Barbara took us to the Italian Orchard Restaurant in Broughton for our Sunday “run”.
Written by Burnley and Pendle MG Owners Club on . Posted in Latest News, MG Owners Club Events
To quote Captain Renault, in Casablanca, “the usual suspects” were rounded up and attended this year’s finale to the Burnley and Pendle season, our Christmas dinner at the Old Stone Trough Hotel.
Written by Burnley and Pendle MG Owners Club on . Posted in Latest News, MG Owners Club Events
The end of October saw Mick and Barbara lead us up through Cumbria and to the Scottish border and, indeed, to cross it when they organised a trip to the Fleece Hotel outside Carlisle.
First Sunday Every Month: 10:00 am onwards
The Stone Trough Inn,
BB18 6XY
Geoffrey Hammonds, Secretary
01204 853158
Roger Sagar, Chairman
01200 425450
07974 847736
Neil Taylor, Treasurer
01282 454546
07535 738842